Thursday 24 April 2014

PPD2- Non player characters

In addition to the player characters, NPC's will play an important role. they will be simpler models, with less animations. The different areas of the game will have varying enemies. By generally using humanoid creatures at the same scale (for the standard enemies) we will be able to re use rigs and animations. 
The first area under the town hub will be the sewers, occupied by the thieves guild. These enemies will appear in multiples, the masks making it less obvious that the models are the same.

Enemy characters will have same animation cycles as PCs, but move much quicker.

Basic Animations

  • Walk
  • Run
  • block
  • Close combat attacks
  • Close combat execution move
  • Back stab attack
  • Sustain damage
  • Die

 Again, looking at the easiest way to utilise the rigs and animations we will create initially, if time allows i would also like to create the creatures character models for the tombs. 

Standard enemy characters (skeletons/zombies) will have same animation cycles as PCs, but move much slower. They will have heavy attacks, and as such increased damage. Special enemy characters (Wraith/witch, far left) will have same animation cycles as PCs, but move much slower.They will have effect attacks (curse, slow, poison?) and as such increased damage.


Basic Animations- zombies/skeletons

  • Walk
  • Run
  • block
  • Close combat attacks
  • Heavy attack/ cleave
  • Sustain damage
  • Die

Basic Animations- Wraith/witch
  • glide
  • Float/fly
  • Close combat attacks
  • Grab/restrain
  • Sustain damage
  • Die


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