Thursday 24 April 2014

PPD2- Game props and items

Magical items/weapons and shrines

Imbued weapons and unique items will be found in hidden areas within the rooms and corridors of the levels. These may be found by chance but hints and tips will be provided by he townsfolk through stories of the dungeon in relation to particular rooms, markings and descriptions.

Pick ups

These are the basic pick ups in the game.

· Health potions
These will restore a portion of the characters health 5 health packs will restore the player to full health. Health will regenerate over time.

· Energy items
Food and drink will allow PC to do special attacks and dodge.

· Mana potions
The PC will have limited magic attacks, these will be powered by mana that will regenerate over time.

· Weapons, Armour sets, and helms
Visible items that will be used by the characters. These may be generic low poly models or ideally will accurately represent the item when equipped.

· Rings, talismans, and skulls

Bonus items which will improve the characters stats, or to hit chance.

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