Tuesday 30 August 2011

Damius model wip

Well I'd hoped to have been more productive, but life gets in the way...

Here's my character atm. about 6000 tris atm, but not completed by any means. Whether that means it'll be more or less than that figure i don't know yet...

His arms and legs aren't attatched yet so it can be posed to some degree.

 and finally the very fine legs that i am most proud of.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Making a Man

University has finished for the first year, so with a whole lot more spare time ive set to my personal project. I have had the idea for a while of making a Dungeon crawler type game, and have enlisted a few people off my course for environmental, prop, and non player character modelling. The main protagonist is Damius, find his bio at http://salaxus.deviantart.com/art/Damius-dungeon-crawler-173304354

Within the game he'll have different costumes and weapons, but while trying to get a demo working in the unreal engine we'll probably just work with his default, but i started by creating the shape of the muscle bound fighter with basic primitives to form a humanoid shape.

He isn't properly meshed together yet, but the hands and arms are almost there. I have have spent a while working on his face, but following a couple of tutorials i still can't get his likeness exactly the way i want it.

The brows will be alpha mapped for there full spikey glory, still we'll see what we can get done in the next 8 weeks..

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Model finished in Maya, now to import it into UDK...

The model finally complete, I have generated some renders to show it off. The lighting has not been altered as it should be to truly mimic the original junk robot concept art, but that would also be rather dark. The final element to the texture, applied in Photoshop was the alpha map to make the oil spilling from the shelf a more liquid shape, without generating an obscene amount of polygons.

The model still lacked some definition, so I also generated a basic normal map, to highlight the indented parts of the texture, and make the model appear even more rusty.

Again the original concept for this can be found here
and was used with permission of the artist.
The model was then clean up once more( triangulting all poygons) and the history deleted. To export the model also requires a plug in from Epic to export the model as an .ase file. The process of importing the model took as long as creating the model from scratch, Epic games provide al the information to make it possible. 

3D prop with Diorama

My robot didn’t need much clean up and the brief of the assignment didn’t require a highly detailed background. The picture that I based the model on provided all aspects I needed to fulfil the brief. 

For texturing the model I reused some of the aspects of the gun that I had made earlier in the project. Then further generation of texture were simple primitives (with Photoshop) with blending options on the individual layers tweaked. For this model I also generated an ambient occlusion map to add to the texture to further define the basis diffuse texture.

Monday 14 March 2011

3D prop the next

Following the gun i have already made for this assignment, the bigger part of the grade (90%) will be based on this larger model, with diorama. As stated earlier in the blog, i have permission from Scifiartist to make junk robot 2 based on his original concept art.
The model is being created by forming the main parts of the body from basic primitives, then extruding and transforming the verts and edges to create the shape of junk robot while generating the fewest polygons as possible. As he is quite rounded in his shape, my 10,000 tri limit is dwindling, but at this point i'm still under 4000 and should be able to generate alot of the detail with textures. Here is junk robot at the moment, just a stump of an arm and the diorama to go.
And the original image for comparrison.

Friday 25 February 2011

Texturing The gun

I generated the textures within Photoshop, and have created a new metal texture, and I began to generate the final textures. Utilising the assets I had generated I used the wood and/or metal textures on all the models. Finally I found a scratched texture and applied the texture over the top at 30% opacity to further give the look of distress. These had photo edited primary research images and a variety of edited images from the internet. The process of editing all the images was a simple, I transformed (ctrl T), cut and paste the elements together, then added detail by painting depressions (like small holes or vents) and high points (like buttons) on a separate layer to the base image and adding bevels, inner shadows, and inner glow in the blending options within Photoshop.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Placing the concept

As part of the brief, the model has to be part of an overall concept. With this in mind i have changed from my initial concept for a very clean new weapon, whereas upon completing the model i started creating very dirty textures. The model itself has been significantly edited to reduce the polygon count, it now consists of little over 2500 tris.

As mentioned earlier, the weapon would come from a Gears of War or fallout style post apocalypse setting and as such the waepon will be heavily fatigued, seemingly a hybrid of several guns. I looked at the Halo 3 sniper rifle that eemed to bare some of the wear that i want to achieve.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Gun model... so far

Well deciding to make the gun was the hard part, i did some sketches for the concept and have modelled from them. At this point the model is 3600 tris, which is all good. Some finer details are still needing to be added, but all small details can be added with textures.

This is only a small part of the module, a larger part will be another model with props and a diorama. Again the limit of this are a 10,000 tris, but that will include all models within the scene. The concept i have decided to use for this is that of an image that i found online at scifiartist.com. I'll start work on Junk robot 2 when the gun is fully textured. The image is below.

Making a gun

Hey, the task at hand is to make a model for a game with a 10,000 tri limit. The first task is simply to show what i can do, as such i'm aiming to make a gun (it's a pun) for the generic sci fi shooter genre of the current gen. Reviewing multiple concepts, i have decided to work on an original concept taking ideas from various places to create a Frankenstein monster rifle/ flame thrower.

 Here's some inspirational images that i have borrowed ideas from.